Welcome to the registered Disk2FDI features and requirements page!

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The registered version of Disk2FDI is currently at version 1.0α5.

In addition to the functionalities found in the trial version, the registered version features:

  • Log file creation to keep trace of the information printed on screen
  • Reading retry when bad sectors are found
  • Reading using a dedicated cable connected to a fast parallel port

The Disk2FDI cable, along with the registered version of Disk2FDI, bring the following improvements over the trial version:

  • Forensic quality disk image creation to the dedicated FDI format, to accurately image original protected disks or disks with non-standard formats
  • Works with any floppy disk supported in the trial version, requiring only one disk drive
  • Commodore 1541 (".D64") disks reading with either a low or high density (even unmodified) 5.25" disk drive
  • Apple 400K and 800K GCR (Apple //, Macintosh...) disks reading to the DiskCopy 4.2 ".DC" format

To benefit from these, the following is required:

  • A Pentium® processor or better
  • A free parallel port, preferably from a dedicated PCI parallel port card
  • A Disk2FDI cable that you can build yourself with the instructions available here, along with:
  • A registered version of Disk2FDI

You may now return to the registration page.

This page © 2001-2024 Vincent Joguin